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Jan 17, 2013

Seminar Guideline

Guiding instruction for all Sectorial & Area/Regional level workers and Central Trainers
1.     In this seminar overall responsibility lies with the concerning sectorial and area/regional workers to conduct the seminar and materialize the programme as instructed.
2.     List of central Trainers and organisers for conducting the 1st Diocese seminar for all wings will be prepared by the wing heads and sent to the ISMUB Secretary for approval.
3.     Central Trainers and organisers will be responsible for organizing and conducting 1st and 2ndDiocese seminar.
4.     There should not be Seminar of two different wings of any level on the same date and place.
5.     Sectorial and Area/Regional workers are also to see that seminar reports are duly sent as per system of all levels by the concerning trainers and organisers which will include the name of trainers and organisers (below level) against the prescribed date and levels, review report and duty list in prescribed proforma.
6.     Trainers of all levels should carefully see that all optees are fully acquainted with the syllabus of the concerning internal trades and seminar system, as Seminar from diocese down to village level are mainly to train up the optees of different wings.
7.     All trainers should be particularly strict regarding screening and attendance of all level seminars.
8.     BP, UBP and Unit Secys. Should attend seminar of his/her trade and also seminar at concerning level of AMPS (G). Duties to be allotted to them accordingly.
9.     All optees, must attend the seminar of their trade in every phase.
10. In the existing system, ‘U’ trade has been authorized to create trade optees separately to work as G.P. In no case the lady optees of ‘U’ should be allotted duties to work with male optees. Lady optees should seek guidance from Central and Sectorial level of ‘U’ trade.
11. The seminar organisers should reach at the seminar place at least 3 days in advance to organize everything. The trainers should reach 24 hrs before and the participants report no later than 8 AM on he 1st day of the seminar.
12. Trainers and organisers of all level seminars should attend seminars of their higher levels to qualify themselves to be Trainers/Organisers of a particular level.
13. WT workers of all wings and levels are to supervise so that optees are discharging their six types of under mentioned duties:-
I.               To conduct the seminar of the concerning wing at least on any one level as organizer as per date
II.             To supervise the lower level organisers to materlise the seminar programme as per due dates.
III.           To discharge the designatory duty properly.
IV.            To supervise his lower level designatory workers of his concerning wing.
V.              To work as a trainer at least on one level of seminar.
VI.            To supervise his lower level trainers to ascertain they held classes lower level seminar as per date

14. Any disqualified/finally disqualified WT may be allowed in any level seminar but in any case any designatory duty cannot be allotted to him/her.
15. Extensive and intensive wall writing, postering and leafleting in neighbouring areas should be done in a day advance of seminar as per prescribed system.
16. No body is authorized to attend seminar of any other circle/region in place of his own Circle/Region as it may create hindrance in completing the assigning of trainers and organisers and designatory workers upto village level of the concerning circle. (Here circle means inside Delhi sector, Region out side Delhi sector.)
17. In seminar trainers, must speak in one language (preferably in local language which is spoken by the Margiis).
18. Seminar routine must be strictly followed and no body is authorized to remain outside seminar campus during the seminar period.
19. If in any particular seminar the number of optees are lesser than the prescribed number the concerning WT will be held responsible and disciplinary action will be taken against him.
20. If any optee desires to become LFT/Optee of a trade other than his own this can be done only on agreement by both area level workers, i.e. the area level workers whose optee he was and the area level workers whose trade the optee offer to join as LFT/Optee.
21. System of crating blocks and Pancayats in municipal town: where is no political block or Pancayat, Pancayat level seminars should be organized on the basis of population…….the place concerned, i.e. the population of 100,000 will make a block and the 10,000 people will make a Pancayat.
a.     Every municipal town is to be treated as a separate block.
b.     Where there is more than one PS (Police Station) in a municipal area. Each and every PS is to be treated as a separate block, and the portion of actual block attached to it remaining outside municipal area will be remaining as a separate block.
c.      Each and every municipal ward of a PS is to be treated as separate Pancayat.
22. WTs and local Ac’s of any level will attend compulsorily 1st Dio seminar of concerning trade.
23. After completion of seminar (1st Dio) the report should be submitted personally in IRSS/RDS along with a copy to be submitted to the ISMUB secy. through proper channel. Other level seminars should also be sent to the ISMUB Secy. through the proper channel in prescribed proforma as per annexure A.B.C.
24. A telegram shall be sent to the ISMUB secy on the evening of the 2nd day during the seminar period.
25. There will be compulsory Kaoshikii and Tandava competitions for all optees on all levels of all categories during seminar.

1.     Theoretical-Social and spiritual class
2.     Organisational-Structure of the organization, different department and their functions.
3.     Practical classes:
a.     System of holding seminars –knowledge of 1st Dio, 2nd Dion etc.
b.     System of sending seminar reports
c.      System of sending information regarding seminars of all level.
d.     Designatory duty allotment and area demarcation of individual optee.
e.     Seminar duty:
1.     Designatory duty.
2.     Supervising immediate lower level disignatory.
3.     Seminar Trainer’s duty.
4.     Supervising immediate lower level seminar Trainers.
5.     Seminar Organiser duty.
6.     Supervising immediate lower level seminar organisers.
a.     wall writing, posturing, Leafleting etc.
b.     Press conference, Public meeting, Street corner meeting, Cultural Programme etc.
c.      Oratory class.
d.     General and special sadavrata.
e.     Prabhat Samgiita class.
f.      Classes on 16 Points, Kaoshikii and Tandava.
g.     Collective Social service.
h.     Nagar Kiirtan in the morning.
i.       PT, Parade and games etc. in the morning and evening both.
j.       Paincajanya in every morning.

Central trainers are hereby requested to note the following points for necessary action during seminar period.
a.     There will be collective social service on third day of the seminar period.
b.     There will be Nagar Kiirtan in the morning.
c.      There will be open conference and Cultural programme on 3rd day evening and also may conduct press conference.
d.     There will be PT and games every day in the morning and evening respectively.
e.     Telegram for seminar attendance to ISMUB AMPS, Central Secy.
f.      There should be special Sadavrata everyday.

Checklist for organisers and responsible workers
1.     Daily meeting of seminar management committee (before and during seminar period).
2.     Review maximum attendance, collective (money and materials), Outdoor/ indoor programme.
3.     Review essential arrangements in the seminar place, including oval all cleanliness.
4.     Leaflet, invitation card, Banner, Flag, Festoon and other publicity materials.
5.     Printed sheet for attendance record (Diocese wise), participant’s particulars, duty allotment card, other reports.
6.     Sister’s stay and facilities for the Trainer.
7.     Daily routine.
8.     Final review (management) in the presence of Trainer (Thursday).
9.     Press release/Nagar Kiirtan, Street corner meeting/Public meeting (with procession) Cultural Programme, CSS, Special Sadavrata.
10. Telephonic/Telegraphic report (attendance) to Central ISMUB Secy.
11. Special meeting with new Margiis BPs, UBPs, Unit Secy.
12. Publicity.
13. Utilization, WT, LFT, Initiation, Local Progress, Others.
14. Seminar report to Trainer –Participants Particular, duty allotment card, duty List, Review report, trainer/Organisers.
15. Seminar account.
16. Concluding meeting with management committee and local Margiis.
Checklist for Central Trainers/Other Trainers
1.     Meetting with organisers, in-charges and seminar management committee.
2.     Final review preparation, arrangement, programme, public relation, publicity (Thrusday).
3.     Introductory speech (Friday morning).
4.     Press release –Finalisation.
5.     Meeting with WT-Daily (night).
6.     Special programme- Saturday.
7.     Special programme- Sunday.
8.     Telephonic report to Central office (ISMUB Secy): Madhu Manusha, Hehal, Ratu, Ranchi 834005.
9.     Declaration of date,Place,Trainer, Organiser- 2nd Diocese and below level.
10. Organisational class and review points as written in “A synopsis for organizational and practical class”. Clear idea to be given regarding common points of work and special work of dept. and trade. Time to organisational points of WWD. Allocation of duties to new Margiis. Review of duties of old optees.
11. Special meeting with Trainer and Organisers(below level seminars).
12. Seminar note and class note with all below level trainers.
13. Seminar reports check and carry. Participant’s particulars, duty allotment card, duty list, review report trainers/organisers list.
14. Utilisation WT, LFT, Initiations etc.
15. Seminar review (with WT workers)- Attendance (dit or Diocese), lapses related to the organizing (if any): steps like explanation sheet.
16. IRSS and TP (field workers).
17. Paper cutting, Photos etc.
18. Local situation- Unit, Bhukti Committee, Co-ordination, Development.
19. Verification and authentication of Duty allotment Card for optees.
Important instruction:
To all organisers, Trainers and sectorial/regional level workers (specifically relevant for Delhi Sector) please note that selective gathering is preferable for 1st Dio Seminars. The presence of following persons is amust for 1st Dio seminars:
a.     WT and local Grhii Acaryas of any level of the hinterland dioceses.
b.     ACB members, PKB.
c.      All BPs (General and Trade) along with their Bhukti committee members of hinterland dioceses.
d.     UBPs of the hinterland dioceses.
e.     Unit secretaries of the hinterland dioceses.
f.      All LFT-s of the hinterland dioceses.
g.     Other designation-holders and responsible Margiis who can be given trainer’s or organizer’s duty in below level seminars.
h.     WTs/LFTs candidates.

Why Seminar?
1.     For each and ever Ananda margii, to attend seminar is mandatory as it is a part of siteen points (CSDK) which are our fundamental duties. So the seminar programme must be organized collectively and in proper manner and the same must be implemented with utmost sincerity.
2.     Seminar is a great occasion where new and old get chance to enhance their knowledge and also they get scope to assimilate Baba’s multi-dimensional cum all pervasive ideology and philosophy.
3.     It makes us conscious and well-equipped organizationally regarding our duties and rsponsibilities which we owe to His Mission.
4.     It is the suitable occasion for ‘get together’ which enhances collective spirit, structural solidarity and expansion, it immensely helps in spiritual elevation.
5.     It is an effective means to reach to ass level ideological and organizationally.

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